Competitiveness Rating:
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Search Engine (SEO) Competitive Analysis

Backlinks Comparison

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indexed pages

indexed pages

indexed pages

Competitive Site Analytics
Google PageRank 9 8 5
Google Last Indexed Date 2008-09-23 06:31:07 2008-09-18 07:53:12 2008-09-14 13:17:36
Domain Created Date 1997-10-05 00:00:00 2000-02-20 00:00:00 1997-09-23 00:00:00
Domain Expiration Date 2009-10-04 00:00:00 2010-02-20 00:00:00 2012-09-22 00:00:00
Site Title Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters Digg - All News, Videos, & Images Drew Curtis'
Site Description [no description available] Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users [no description available]
Site Keywords [no keywords available] Digg,, news, images, videos, podcasts, vote, content [no keywords available]
H1, H2, H3 Tag Data Slashdot, News for nerds, stuff that matters, Main, Index, Please Log In to Continue,   Science: Studies Say Ideology Trumps Facts 2008-09-25 02:54,   Technology: Russian Town Puts Giant Smiley On Google Maps 2008-09-24 23:58,   Ask Slashdot: Best DNS Service With API Access? 2008-09-24 21:53,   Science: NASA Upgrades Weather Research Supercomputer 2008-09-24 19:49,   Mobile: Mobile Phone Users Struggle With Hardware Adoption 2008-09-24 18:46,   Games: September Indie Game Round-Up 2008-09-24 18:30,   News: NASA Uses Rubber Ducks In Climate Study 2008-09-24 18:27,   Games: No Mod Tools for Fallout 3 Launch 2008-09-24 17:45,   Technology: Adobe Adds GPU Acceleration To Creative Suite 4 2008-09-24 17:38 digg, Top in All Topics,  Recommendation Engine, Digg on the Go, News, Images, Videos, DoJ to Senate: don't make us be Big Content's copyright cops, Man Sues Doctors For Amputating Penis, EA threatens to cancel Spore accounts, The Cold, Hard Data of Soda Ice view!, Rick Davis On The Run From Reporters, 5 Myths About Wind Energy, Sam Stein: McCain's $5, 000 Makeup: Will There Be Backlash?, Google Calculator FAIL, T-Mobile kills the 1GB data cap, takes more friendly aproach, In Case of Civil Unrest... [PIC] view! [no H1, H2, H3 tags available]
Keyword Density from the, read more, posted by, on wednesday, september 24, wednesday september, (default branch), by samzenpus, samzenpus on, in the, baker's dozen of, a baker's dozen, dozen of the, of the most, most important error, the most important, up a baker's, rounded up a, without 'em so, same without 'em digg it, diggs digg, made popular, share bury, comments share, bury favorite, min ago, 2 hr, popular 2, 16 min, and saying things, fighting and saying, saying things you, things you truly, truly have to, you truly have, yelling fighting and, is yelling fighting, bs from last, sensitive bs from (some guy), to be, in the, of a, guy) photoshop, to find, you are, in a, arrested for, it is, katie holmes' new, of katie holmes', holmes' new reality, new reality show, reality show (128), episode of katie, an episode of, ritual no this, pagan ritual no, no this isn't
Social Media Analysis

Blog Coverage Comparison

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Graph Legend

ReviewMyWeb Detailed Report

How You Stack Up

Overall, your website is underperforming against your competition. From a marketer's perspective, your web pages can be further optimized to drive more of the right viewers to your website. The section below contains a list of topical suggestions on how you can improve your website's marketing effectiveness. These suggestions are provided based on how well you were rated in comparison to your competition.

How You Can Improve

Focus Action
Search Engine Page Rank Your main web page ranks above your competition under Google's PageRank formula. This is an indication that Google and other search engines perceive your website as being more popular and relevant on a global scale than your competition. Considering all other things equal such as keyword search relevancy, your website will likely appear higher than your competition in organic search rankings.
To further improve your website's page rank, you should look to increase your backlinks (inbound links from another web page to your web page) and web page coverage; both are covered in the next section.
Backlinks The total number and quality of backlinks are critical to your website's page rank. Currently you are slightly underperforming your competition in certain backlinks coverage. To improve your page rank, you should:
Increase number of backlinks from external websites - more popular and reputable websites (i.e., high Google PageRank sites) have greater impact on improving your page rank.
Improve quality of backlinks - links coming from other websites within your industry or websites that contain similar subject matter content will result in a higher page rank.
Increase internal domain backlinks - revisit your site design and ensure that other web pages within your domain are also linking back to your main web page.
Indexed Page Coverage The total number and quality of your domain's indexed web pages are critical to your page rank and keyword search relevance. Currently you are outperforming your competition in page coverage. To improve page coverage, you should:
Make your content available to search engines - when possible, reduce dynamically generated content that will prevent search engines from caching relevant pages and keywords; also fix any out of compliance W3C HTML/CSS standards and outdated links to make sure that you maximize the amount of pages and content indexed by search engines.
Improve your content quality - provide as much relevant content as possible with the right keywords within your particular industry (without keyword overloading) to improve your website's credibility.
Site Design Your current website design is not optimized to fully capture search relevancy. We suggest that you make the following edits to your website:
Include Relevant Text in your Site Description - your site currently has little or no text descriptions to help search engines identify the relevance of your website to keyword searches.
Social News - Blogs You are generating less buzz within various web communities in comparison to your competition. Highly viewed blogs are becoming an increasingly important marketing channel as they are relied upon by niche communities for subject matter expertise. We recommend that you seek to get your website mentioned and linked across relevant blog communities.

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